On the way out to take a look around on Day 2, they noticed a flat tyre. But, to their dismay, they discovered the Mini Cooper S does not have a spare!! Instead it is supplied with a tin of tyre seal which is intended to get you to the nearest fix-it-up place within 10ks. Not an appropriate solution for Spring Creek! As the tear in the tyre was not repairable, this left us in a serious delimma.
Switching to problem solving mode, we eventually decided on a course of action. As all the tyres on the mini were dangerously bald, we decided to plug the hole as best we could and limp the little car out to the Gore shop before replacing the ripped tyre - in case we needed to repair any others.
Cautiously, we made it to the Gore store without incident, parked the vehicle around the back of the shop for safety (ha ha) and removed the wrecked tyre. As we prepared to set off to Stanthorpe, where we knew (unusually) of a tyre shop open on Saturday afternoon, that's when the unexpected happened!
The force of one branch pushed the door shut. I sat in the vehicle stunned and rather shocked. The windscreen was smashed.
Matt could do nothing but laugh as he watched, amused that this could happen after all the care we had taken to this point. It took Shell and myself a bit to stop trembling and regain our normal levels of adrenalin.
What a day.
Time to go home for a few Magaritas and a nice cold beer!!